Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Time, Time, Time -  T I M E . . .

Where the heck does the time go? It goes by quicker the older we get and by how much and how many responsibilities we have and the debts we owe and our health, and our family's health, our friends, our pets.... As children we are not aware of such worries or expenses. Money is just a "thing" to children, I believe.  Money's true value won't be known to them until they have to buy their own groceries.

And now, as I have just turned 42 (yikes!) I have come to reflect and realize that I have become that "friend with no kids and no S.O.".   I'm the one  friend that seems to be permanently single. Time is going by and I'm realizing that I am getting older. Something my body reminds me of everyday.  And something else that rather horrifies me is; now I'm the one that says to my nieces, nephews and my friends' kids, "OMG, I can't believe how big you're getting!"  And the kids give me that look that I know all too well because I gave the same exact expression and rolled my eyes at any adult who said that to me! I totally get it. I do. I really, really do.  But I just can't help myself. I try to control it, but when I haven't seen my friends' kids for a while, well... they do- they freaking grow up like weeds! One day they're learning your name and the next time you see them it's their prom picture!

(And then there's a whole other avenue that growing up as a female, we get that look from men. They just can't seem to help themselves. They "size" you up even though the played peek-a-boo, hide and seek, and held your hand across the street. And so, inside my head I'm thinking as the man that I've grown up with to know as Uncle *insert name* is giving me the once over; Yep, I've grown up! And these are my boobs and if I catch you looking again I'll tell my father.)  Like I said, that's a whole other post (probably...maybe...).

Anyway, back to my point.  Time really does seem to fly by even more quickly as I age.  I recall when my grandma N. (rip) would tell me that once I become an adult, time will go by more quickly and I will wish to be a kid again. I was in elementary school and I was basically counting the seconds to Summer Break.  It seemed that the days were so  s l o w  and that Summer would never arrive soon enough.  And I also said, "No Way! I can't wait to be an adult so I can do what I want, when I want!"  Silly me. She was so right (as usual).  I still hear her say those words to this day as I notice time slipping by at an extremely rapid rate.

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