(The following is mostly from a paper I wrote for my Anthropology class last year.)
I envy those people whom have a solid belief in God and a
solid belief in the Bible or other writings of faith & religion. However for me there’s been
too many centuries and too many people who have "re-written" the Bible for me to
believe that what I read today in the Bible is complete, objective truth. I would love to have the passion some of
these people have for their faith. But I
don’t. Unfortunately, I don’t have any
sort of faith system that I am passionate enough about to be a daily, devout
I was baptized into Catholicism at the age of 12. I received my First Communion. And that was the end of the road for me with any further forced Catholic education and structure. I rarely went to Church because my parents
didn’t go. My family didn’t say a
prayer before each meal. No prayers before bed. We didn’t read
the Bible. My family’s religious nest has been empty for a long time. I grew up without a religious
leader to follow.
Not only do I envy those following the Christian Bible but
Muslims, Jews, Buddhists and other religions as well. The religious people I have encountered
throughout my life have an inner strength that they seem able to call upon to
get them through difficult times. And these people of many worships have their
Church and peers to lean on. It's times when I am struggling myself that I wish I could call on a God or Goddess
or multiples of to help me make my way. And rarely have I seen anyone turn against their Faith. (However I do know a couple that has.)
So, to what Greater Energy source do I give power to control
my life? I don’t know. I don’t have a name or a practice. Rather, I believe in the power of Karma and Energy. As humans we have all types of energy that
exudes out of us. Some we know and
feel. Other times I think we’re not
aware of our own “vibes”. And too many times I feel we are totally
unaware of another person’s energy. We
get self absorbed and lose focus on what’s around us. I believe we have an individual human energy
that is powerful in and of itself.
Additionally, I feel in numbers its power is even greater. And I believe too in a greater Energy that
surrounds us, our environment, our planet and the universe. I also believe in the “spirit realm” that
possibly exists on a level that very few others can interact with.
Sometimes I do try call upon a God/Goddess. I’m just not so sure there is one listening
to me. Or if he/she is, then at least I
might get the help I ask for. Or I will
say prayers for family and friends. I
always think it doesn’t hurt to do it.
If there is a Higher Power at least I’m doing what I can. Ironically enough though, Rolling Stones
lyrics is what will most often pop up in my precious little brain when I'm struggling to get results I want rather than maybe what is best: “You
can’t always get what you want/ But if you try sometimes you just might find/
You get what you need.” And those
words will echo through my head when I feel I’m beaten down and can’t figure
out why I am going through certain heartaches and headaches. I hope that possibly down the road things
will make sense and become clear. And
those are the times I really hope there is a Higher Power that has a greater
plan for me that maybe I just can’t see for myself yet.
And finally, what I do have are (2) phrases written on my fridge- a reminder to look at whenever I feel the chips are down: "I will get through it." and "This too shall pass."
And finally, what I do have are (2) phrases written on my fridge- a reminder to look at whenever I feel the chips are down: "I will get through it." and "This too shall pass."